24 October 2019
The Greater Crofton Council participated, yet again, in the Crofton Community Awards Program.
Along with the Crofton Village Garden Club, Kiwanis Club of Crofton, Arundel Volunteer Fire Department, Crofton Christian Caring Council, Crofton Police Department, Linthicum Walks, Greater Crofton Chamber of Commerce, Crofton Civic Association, Crofton Athletic Council, and Crofton First, the Greater Crofton Council presented its Citizen of the year award.
GCC president, Dan Scholfield made the presentation.
This year's recipient was Julie Piercy, the president of the Crofton Mews HOA. She has been the president for seven years and has had the formidable task of handling three hundred ninety homes.
Presenting the plaque.